Our professionally trained clerks will take photographs and fully detail the condition of the fixtures, fittings and furnishing on the day the tenancy starts.
The Check-In Report will include a schedule of condition that provides the Landlord with a general overview of the property i.e. cleanliness, decorative condition etc.
You might be asking why an Inventory and Check-In report are important? Well, should a dispute arise at the end of the tenancy then it is essential that the Inventory and Check-In reports are thorough and of good quality. This means that they will have clear supporting photographs & descriptions so if the need arises, the Landlord will have the burden of proof laid at their feet, should it be necessary to claim against the deposit.
When a tenant moves into a brand new property, a professionally compiled Inventory and/or a Check-In Report should be conducted at the start of any tenancy.
The tenant signs the Inventory/Check-In Report to confirm agreement with its contents.

At the Check-Out, if the property is found to be in a bad condition (i.e., extremely dirty, fixtures and fittings damaged beyond fair wear and tear, items missing etc.) the Landlord should obtain quotes to have any outstanding issues resolved to make the property habitable for the new incoming tenants.
Should the previous tenant dispute the costs and deny any accountability a Claim would be lodged with The Deposit Protection Service. The more detailed the Inventory evidence, the stronger the Landlord’s claim will be.
The Check-Out Report is the evidence the Landlord requires to be able to support a claim that damage has accrued.
An Independent Adjudicator would review the case, and so long as there were no extenuating circumstances, the Landlord would be ‘Awarded’ the full amount required to cover the cost of repair, replacing and/or cleaning.