Routine inspections should be undertaken at various intervals during the length of a tenancy. This is just to ensure that the property is being cared for and that there are no major maintenance or health & safety issues.


Inspections are frequently carried out every 3 months, although this may vary from Landlord to Landlord
Inspections cannot be carried out more than once every 3 months
The tenant must be given a minimum of 7 days notice
A routine inspection is not a housework inspection; the person inspecting the property will appreciate that the property is a home. Notwithstanding this, the tenant should leave the property in a good condition on the day of the inspection.
The tenant should inform the Property Manager/Owner of any maintenance issues as soon as they occur. Most property managers usually request any non-urgent maintenance requests in writing.
Property Managers will provide, upon request, routine inspection checklists for tenants.
Other inspections may be carried out in response to specific issues such as a leaking tap or broken window.


Our fully trained Inspectors will carry out the inspection using software to remind them, inter alia, to be aware of the Clements Hill

Inspection Points below:-
– property/room generally clean and tidy
– routine cleaning: including items such as dusting; sweeping/vacuuming; cleaning & disenfecting kitchen surfaces; bathrooms; oven; grill; hob; toilet; shower etc.
– mould on surfaces (professional
– cleaning/removal recommended)
– cleaning any marks from walls, kitchen units or other surfaces
– grass, edging and weeding, and disposal of any garden rubbish
– other outside areas (such as decks, patios) swept and tidy
– pool cleaned of leaves or other debris

Get in touch today to enquire our services on

01494 415 100